Who Should Attend?
If your work impacts the lives of children ages 0-8, you cannot afford to miss this opportunity!
Thousands of fellow educators from across the world have enjoyed the incredible content and now is your special
chance to receive strategies, support & solutions!
Register If You Are A:
Center Director
Center Administrator
State Agency Employee
Family Care Provider
Social Worker
School Administrator
Early Intervention Specialist
College Faculty Member
College Student
Anybody who works
with or for the well-being
of children!
Register If You Belong To A:
Child Care Center
Head/Early Start Program
Public/Private Preschool
Family Child Care Center
State Agency
Resource & Referral Agency
Higher Education Community
Preschool Special Education Community
Social Service Agency
K-3 Community
Top 10 Reasons to Attend The Ohio Early Childhood Conference?
1. Have FUN!
2. Connect face-to-face with other educators
3. Earn your required professional development hours
4. Improve your mental health
5. Increase your productivity and effectiveness
6. Receive the motivation you need to set goals that achieve positive results
7. Learn the latest trends and developments in the early childhood field
8. Brainstorm opportunities to generate better solutions and decisions
9. Improve your job satisfaction and employee retention
10. Connect with a statewide network of like-minded professionals
11. Learn from world-class, knowledgeable, and motivating subject matter experts
Most importantly, after the last couple of years...YOU DESERVE IT!