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2025 Expected Attendance
How many attendees will make a purchase from a Ohio AEYC exhibitor
State of Ohio Education Expenditures
Thousands of educators from across the great state of Ohio, and from the nation will gather together in Sandusky to find ways to improve instruction and identify the tools they will need to accomplish their goals!
Don't miss out on not meeting them!
What Type of Educator Will You Meet?
Where Will They Come From?
Center Directors
Center Administrators
Lead Teachers
State Agency Representatives
Family Care Providers
Social Workers
School Principals
Early Intervention Specialists
College Faculty
Pre-Service Students (Build Loyalty!)
Child Care Centers
Head/Early Start Programs
Public and Private Preschools
Family Child Care Centers
State Agencies
Resource & Referral
Higher Education
Preschool Special Education
Social Service Agencies
K-3 Buildings
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